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"The creed of ash-Shaafi’ee - may Allaah be pleased with him - and the creed of the Salaf of the Ummah, like Maalik, ath-Thawree, al-Awzaa’ee, Ibnul-Mubaarak (d.181H), Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, and Is-haaq Ibn Raahawayh (d.238H) is the creed of the scholars whom they followed like Fudhayl Ibn ’Iyaadh (d.187H), Aboo Sulaymaan ad-Daaraanee, Sahl Ibn Sa’d at-Tustaree (d.283H), and others. There was no disagreement between these imaams and their likes over the principles of the Religion…" - Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah
Enlightening clarification from the four imaams themselves - from their own words - about the correct position on vital issues of creed, such as tawheed, eemaan, and qadar, as well as the position of Ahlus-Sunnah on theological rhetoric and the honor and respect due to the Companions of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)…
It is sincerely hoped that all Muslims who claim adherence to the teachings of these great imaams - may Allaah have Mercy on them - will truly embrace the most important aspect of their teachings: the correct beliefs they understood from the texts of the Book and the Sunnah based on the understanding of the Companions and their followers.
Sub Title:
Publishing Year: 2006
Pages: 163