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This book on the Opening Chapter of the Muslims’ glorious book Al-Qur’an is a serious attempt to approach a great task. It deals with the chapter or ‘sura’ known to Muslims as ‘Al-Fatiha’, which is described by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) as the greatest sura of the Al-Qur’an. Al-Bay’haqi, one of the greatest Muslims scholars explains that Al-Fatiha sums up the Qur’an and the Qur’an sums up all the books revealed to prophets before Islam. In this sense, the sura introduces the basics of belief, worship and conduct, which lead to the betterment of human beings at large.
Throughout his discussion of Sura Al-Fatiha Dr. Nefeily makes it clear that the sura presents Islam as a religion of peace, love and co-existence, not of hate, destruction and clashes. All heavenly religions, in essence promote life, lobe and peace in the world.
Sub Title:
Publisher: Dar An-Nashr Liljami'at
Publishing Year: 101
ISBN: 977-316-150-1
Pages: 82