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In this book, the practice of sodomy is critiqued on factual, scientific grounds and provides a rational and scientifically validated explanation for the mainstream view among Muslims, Jews and Christians that homosexual practices centered around sodomy are detrimental to health. It also analyses the sophisticated use of identity politics and marketing propaganda for the purposes of enforcing not just acceptance, but celebration of homosexual lifestyles and behaviours upon unwilling populations.
In January 2015, former Prime Minister of Great Britain, David Cameron stated in the context of defending the freedom to offend others (following the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris): "It is very important in our countries that we have a freedom of [expression], you are allowed to offend people. You might not agree with something, as often I see things I do not agree with. But I believe in the freedom of speech and the rule of law". In light of the statement of Mr. Cameron (and similar statements from other prominent world politicians), this extensively documented 206 page work provides an occasionally satirical, yet rational, factual and scientific critique of a lifestyle centered around the practice of sodomy. Within the bounds of law—upon the principle of the freedom to criticism any belief, action or idea even if it offends others—it promotes the mainstream religious idea among Muslims, Jews and Christians regarding sodomy and homosexuality without inciting violence or criminal conduct. It also exposes from the words of "gay" activists themselves the presence of an active agenda within certain segments of homosexual subculture to normalize and legalize pedophilia using the same successful methods and tactics that were used for promoting the acceptance of sodomy and homosexuality.
This book also defends a genuine core value not just of British, American and European societies but of all civilizations throughout time: The biological family unit made up of a biological male and biological female which [through the act of sexual intercourse involving the male and female sexual organs] produce biological offspring on the basis of which parent-child (blood relation), inheritance and material rights are established, leading to a simple, sound basis for a just, responsible economic order and the intended setting for raising children upon their natural states of masculinity for biological males and femininity for biological females.
Given that a) children are being indoctrinated to become sexually aware and active at much earlier ages, b) attitudes towards pedophilia are being softened as a means of normalization and acceptance and c) there are intense lobbying efforts to lower the age of consent laws (often by homosexual activists and their organizations), it is imperative as a responsible Muslim parent that you take steps to prevent your child from being indoctrinated and recruited into a potentially harmful lifestyle. This can be achieved without breaking any law or promoting or condoning any criminal conduct. The right to defend one's beliefs and values—so long as criminal conduct is not advocated—has certainly not been repealed or abolished, and nor can it be.
If you are a parent, teacher or community leader then this book is a must read for you. Though it is written from a Muslim perspective, it can be read by any person interested on the subject. It provides a fascinating insight into the history of modern "gay" identity politics, citing overwhelmingly from "gay" activists, writers and academics themselves.
Sub Title:
Publisher: Qawim Publishing
Publishing Year: 2015
Pages: 205