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All Praise is due to Allah, we seek His Help, and we seek His Protection against the evils of our bad deeds and ourselves. He, who is guided by Allah, none will lead him astray, and he, who goes astray, has no guide (to the right path). I testify that there is no deity, worthy of worship, but Allah (SWT) Alone, and I testify that Muhammad (SAW) is His Servant and Messenger This edition, which I present to the reader, is "Tafsir Al Mu`awwidhatayn", a valued subject of Ibn Al-Qayyim AlJawziyyah, taken from his book "Badai` Al-Fawa'id". It is a sound proof of his vast knowledge, and his extensive research in the knowledge of the interpretation of the Qur'an. This subject was initially taken from the book named above and published exclusively by Professor Qusay Muhib-ud-Din. Having read it, I found some errors in the extraction of the Verses of the Qur'an, and believe that these errors were not due to the author; they were either copying errors from the publisher, who unintentionally missed out some numbers, or of the printers. So I sorted out the references of the Verses of the Qur'an, and also introduced the extraction of the Prophet's Traditions that were mentioned in the book. With the Help from Allah (SWT), I managed to produce the following: A short biography of the author - Extraction of the Verses of the Qur'an, giving the name of the Surah and number of its Verse - Extraction of the Traditions (Ahadith) of the Prophet
Sub Title:
Publisher: Al Firdous Ltd
Publishing Year: 2005
ISBN: 978-1874263777