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Subjects: Describes the methodology used to develop resource allocation and forward positioning recommendations for the sustainment stock portion of Army pre-positioned stocks, given a specific scenario and bud
Published in: 2010
Availability: 1 of 1(eBook)
By: Kenneth J. Girardini , Carol E. Fan , Candice Miller
Subjects: 9781591589389
By: Leckie , Gloria J. , Given , Lisa M. , Buschman , John
Subjects: 9781742372266
By: Stephanie Dowrick
Subjects: Islamic Spirituality, Islamic Ethics, Repentance in Islam
Published in: 1995
By: Shaykh al-Islam Taqiuddin Ahmad Abdul-Halim Ibn Taymiyyah
Subjects: Many now see future warfare as a matter of nonstate actors employing irregular methods against Western states. This expectation has given rise to a range of sweeping proposals for transforming the U.S
Published in: 2008
By: Dr. Stephen Biddle
Subjects: Education
By: Lisa M. Given