Page 1 | Results on this page: 7 | Digital Books: 7 | Physical Books: 0
Subjects: This monograph addresses objectives, missions, tasks, and capabilities for the Air Force's new organization to address cyberspace issues (currently 24th Air Force), applying ''to fly and fight'' to cy
Published in: 2010
Availability: 1 of 1(eBook)
By: Richard Mesic , Myron Hura , Martin C. Libicki , Anthony M. Packard , Lynn M. Scott
Published in: 2008
By: Chioma Isiadinso , MEd
Subjects: Springer
Published in: 101
By: Ralf Antes , Bernd Hansjürgens , Peter Letmathe
Subjects: Examines the European Union's record in deploying civilians in conflict and postconflict stabilization missions.
By: Christopher S. Chivvis
Subjects: Even under the best circumstances, reconstruction in counterinsurgency is a difficult endeavor. The most critical tasks are numerous and complex. Many participating agencies must undertake missions th
By: Eric T. Olson
Subjects: Considers use of the C-27J Spartan to deliver mission critical, time sensitive cargo and passengers in Iraq and Afghanistan and how to improve the resupply routes and the air tasking procedures the Ar
By: Kenneth Horn , Elvira N. Loredo , Steven Cram , Lewis Jamison , Christopher F. McLaren , William Phillips , Jeffrey Sullivan
Subjects: ISBN-13:, 9780470699331
Published in: 2009
By: Markus Rupp