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Published in: 2015
Availability: 1 of 1(eBook)
By: Firms’ Objectives
Subjects: This monograph addresses objectives, missions, tasks, and capabilities for the Air Force's new organization to address cyberspace issues (currently 24th Air Force), applying ''to fly and fight'' to cy
Published in: 2010
By: Richard Mesic , Myron Hura , Martin C. Libicki , Anthony M. Packard , Lynn M. Scott
Subjects: China's international activism is one of the newest and most important trends in global affairs. This monograph analyzes how China defines its international objectives, how it is pursuing them, and wh
Published in: 2009
By: Evan S. Medeiros
Subjects: Disrupting, dismantling, and ultimately defeating al-Qaeda based and inspired terrorism is a declared policy of the U.S. Government. Three key strategic objectives have been identified for accomplishi
Published in: 2012
By: Paul Kamolnick
Subjects: Remarkably ambitious in its audacity and scope, NATO’s irregular warfare and nation-building mission in Afghanistan has struggled to meet its nonmilitary objectives by most tangible measures. Put dire
By: Colonel
Subjects: Study of NATO Strategic Communications and relevance for France. Looks at: definition, objectives, scope, terminology, command structure, resources. Concludes concept is relevant to France in crisis s
By: Anais Reding , Kristin Weed , Jeremy J. Ghez