Page 1 | Results on this page: 10 | Digital Books: 22 | Physical Books: 0
Subjects: MBA has been attracting students of different streams in larger numbers, a trend observed, of late. Many students do not have, even, fundamental knowledge of Law. This book is aimed at the students of
Published in: 2008
Availability: 1 of 1(eBook)
By: Unknown
Subjects: Engineering enables life and Ethics ennobles life?Anon, This book is the fruition of four decades of teaching Mechanical Engineering subjects including Quality Engineering, Total Quality Management, a
Published in: 2007
Subjects: This book makes recommendations to reduce the volatility of California's workers' compensation insurance market and the frequency of insolvencies while realizing the benefits of competition.
Published in: 2009
By: Lloyd Dixon , James W. Macdonald , William Barbagallo
Subjects: This book provides an integrated view and a comprehensive framework of the various issues relating to cyber infrastructure protection. It provides the foundation for a long-term policy and roadmap for
Published in: 2011
By: Colonel Louis H. Jordan , Jr.
Subjects: The purpose of this book is to provide English speaking Muslims a concise and authentic compilation of the instructions regarding funeral rites in Islam.
By: Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Subjects: This book examines what additional security threats Iran might pose as it becomes increasingly capable of making nuclear weapons, what steps the United States and its friends might take to deter and c
Published in: 101
By: Mr. Patrick Clawson Mr. Henry D. Sokolski
Subjects: Clarifying the sound Muslim Creed and calling people to believe in it, is the most crucial issue because it is the foundation on which one's deeds are judged whether denied or accepted. This book give
Published in: 2013
By: Dr. Salih Al-Fawzan
Subjects: This book tests conventional wisdom about how insurgencies end using 89 case studies. Findings provide insight on tactics and strategy to policymakers and analysts, concluding that there are no counte
Published in: 2010
By: Ben Connable , Martin C. Libicki
Subjects: This book, Information Technology and C Language, is the outcome of the painstaking endeavours of an experienced and distinguished author. Written in a very simple language within the comprehension of
By: Rajiv Khanna