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10 Minute Guide to Leadership

By O'Leary, Elizabeth
2000., Alpha Books:

Subject: Management
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Describes the traits of successful leaders and provides tips on becoming an effective leader and coping with challenges in the workplace.


2600 Phrases for Effective Performance Reviews: Ready-To-Use Words and Phrases That Really Get Results

By Falcone, Paul
2005., AMACOM:

Subject: Business & Economics
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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'No managerial or administrative task is as universally dreaded as the performance review. Supervisors may know the points they need to get across, but putting them on paper is another matter. This book puts the right words at their fingertips, with ready-to-use phrases and words, action items, and descriptions that managers, supervisors, and HR professionals can use to evaluate performance, prepare development plans, and address performance problems. "2600 Phrases for Effective Performance Appraisals" covers the 25 most commonly rated factors, including productivity, time management, decision making, and teamwork, as well as specific roles such as customer service, finance, sales, and more. The book provides hundreds of phrases to use in performance improvement plans, plus an appendix of helpful individual words.


29 Leadership Secrets From Jack Welch

By Slater, Robert
2002., Mc Graw Hill:

Subject: Management
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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The first concise book of essential Welch-isms, abridged from the bestselling Get Better or Get Beaten Jack Welch built a career out of fighting waste. 29 Leadership Secrets from Jack Welch follows in Welch's footsteps, boiling the legendary CEO's leadership successes down to 29 strategies that made GE the world's most competitive company­­and Welch the world's most successful and admired CEO. This all-in-one Welch reference updates material from Robert Slater's bestselling Get Better or Get Beaten, and is today's ultimate fast-paced, no-nonsense handbook on the ways of Jack Welch. It taps into the heart of Welch's courage, innovation, and leadership success by examining simple leadership secrets that include: Managing less is managing better Make quality the job of every employee Have global brains and vision


3 Baruch: Greek-Slavonic Apocalypse of Baruch

By Kulik, Alexander
2009., :

Subject: Religious Studies
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This work provides the key to one of the most enigmatic Jewish Hellenistic texts preserved in Greek and Slavonic. Despite the fact that 3 Baruch is one of the major early Jewish apocalypses, it has been relatively neglected in modern scholarship, probably since 3 Baruch is one of the most difficult works to comprehend and classify. Its content differs significantly from that of other writings of the same genre, as the book preserves syncretistic ideas and tendencies which are combined in unique ways. The worldview, the message, and the very textual structure of 3 Baruch are enigmatic in many respects. The present study demonstrates that the textual history of 3 Baruch, implicit meanings and structural links in its text, as well as conceptions behind the text, are partly reconstructable. Moreover, 3 Baruch, properly read, significantly enriches our understanding of the history of the motifs found in early Jewish lore, at times providing missing links between different stages of their development, and preserves important evidence on the roots of Jewish mysticism, proto-Gnostic and proto-Christian traditions. The study contains the introduction, synoptic translation, textual notes, and detailed commentaries.



By Abdul Aziz Al Shomar
1998., Muassat AI- Haramain AI khairyyah:

Subject: Islamic Studies
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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40 Hadith on the Qur'an

By The Qur'an Project
2018., The Qur'an Project:

Subject: Hadith Literature, Qur'anic Interpretation
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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This booklet is a collection of Prophetic narrations about the Qur’ān that are profound and deep in their connotations. The booklet has been entitled, ‘40 Hadith on the Qur’ān’ – although the number of narrations included in the book far exceed forty in number. However, out of the whole collection, forty Hadith have been specifically numbered highlighting their importance, status and relevance to our times. You are also able to download a free PDF version of this booklet at May Allah [swt] allow us to memorise, benefit and implement the words of the Prophet Muhammad. O Allah, make us of those who are the People of the Qur’ān, who live by the Qur’ān, call to the Qur’ān, judge by the Qur’ān and who recite it, learn it and ponder over it night and day. O Allah let the Qur’ān be a Hujjah [proof] in our favour and not against us [ameen].


50 Questions and Answers in Faith

By Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab
2010., Daar of Islamic Heritage:

Subject: Aqeedah
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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A treatise wriiten by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab in which he answers fifty questions related to Aqeedah.


54 Q&A about ‘Eid Prayers

By Shaikh Muhammed ibn Saleh al Uthaymeen
2003., Al Firdous Ltd:

Subject: Islamic Jurisprudence, Eid prayers
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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Short booklet in a q&a format going into issues of debate, following the opinions of Shaykh Muhammed bin Saleh al-Uthaymeen, the scholar from Saudi Arabia.


5-D Leadership

By Campbell, Scott & Samiec, Ellen
2005., Nicholas Brealey Publishing:

Subject: Business
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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5-D Leadership celebrates the knowledge that there is more than one way to be an effective leader, delivering a dynamic process to help current and aspiring leaders alike discover and strengthen their innate abilities and master the realities of today's complex business challenges. They set out the concrete actions required for each approach adn describe in detail how leaders can leverage the strengths they already possess to lead effectively, whatever the situation.


8080/8085 Assembly Language Programming

By Intel Corporation
1979., :

Subject: Computer Science
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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8080-8085 Assembly Language Programming (1977)(Intel)(pdf)



By A.J. Thomson, A.V. Martinet
2016., Oxford University Press:

Subject: English Language
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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Thomson and Martinet's grammar reference book has become a classic, and one of the most widely-used books of its time. It is a useful source of reference for intermediate to advanced, and for teachers. A Practical English Grammar: Exercises 1 follows the same order as the chapters in the Grammar.


A Background to the Study of English Literature

By Prasad B.
1965., Macmillan India Limited:

Subject: Literature
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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An attempt has been made in this book to lay the foundations for a proper understanding of the intricacies of English Literature. The author has expounded the basic truths of the art of criticism, both ancient and modern.


A Brief History of the Late Ottoman Empire

By M. Şükrü Hanioğlu
2010., Princeton University Press:

Subject: History
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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At the turn of the nineteenth century, the Ottoman Empire straddled three continents and encompassed extraordinary ethnic and cultural diversity among the estimated thirty million people living within its borders. It was perhaps the most cosmopolitan state in the world--and possibly the most volatile. A Brief History of the Late Ottoman Empire now gives scholars and general readers a concise history of the late empire between 1789 and 1918, turbulent years marked by incredible social change. Moving past standard treatments of the subject, M. Sükrü Hanioglu emphasizes broad historical trends and processes more than single events. He examines the imperial struggle to centralize amid powerful opposition from local rulers, nationalist and other groups, and foreign powers. He looks closely at the socioeconomic changes this struggle wrought and addresses the Ottoman response to the challenges of modernity. Hanioglu shows how this history is not only essential to comprehending modern Turkey, but is integral to the histories of Europe and the world. He brings Ottoman society marvelously to life in all its facets--cultural, diplomatic, intellectual, literary, military, and political--and he mines imperial archives and other documents from the period to describe it as it actually was, not as it has been portrayed in postimperial nationalist narratives. A Brief History of the Late Ottoman Empire is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the legacy left in this empire's ruins--a legacy the world still grapples with today.


A Commentary on the Depiction of Prophet Muhammad

By Imam al-Tirmidhi
2015., Dar-us-Salam:

Subject: Islamic History
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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The Shama’il of Imām al-Tirmidhī is one of the most extensive and celebrated works on the description and attributes of the Messenger of Allah (s). The 415 narrations were carefully selected by the great muhaddith to craft a vivid depiction of the Prophet (s). Through this, a portrait of his blessed physical appearance, habits, worship, daily routine, spirituality and much more is painted by those most beloved to him: his noble companions and family members. To aid the reader in extracting the maximum beauty and wisdom from the narrations, we have carefully selected explanatory gems from over forty classical and contemporary works. Some of the scholars from whom we have taken include: Abdul Razzaq al-Badr, Ibn Hajar al-Asqalanī, Alī al-Qārī, Al-Bajūrī, Ibn Hajar al-Haytamī, Abū Bakr ibn al-‘Arabī , Al-Nawawī, Ibn al-Uthaymīn, Al-Ghazālī, Qadī ‘Iyyād, Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn al-Qayyim, Al-Shawkānī, Muhammad Amīn al-Shanqītī, Ibn Abdul Barr, Ibn Rajab, Al-Qastalanī, Ibn Kathīr, Abdul Rahman al-Mubarakfūrī, Abū Hafs al-Sūhrawardī, Ibn al-Jawzī, Abdul Muhsin al-Abbad, Al-Suyūtī, Hafith al-Iraqī, Al-San’anī, Ibn Battal, Nasiruddīn al-Albānī and many more. Ibn Kathīr said, “Scholars authored many titles on the depiction of the Prophet (s), some of which were dedicated books and some of which were chapters in books. From the best books authored about the depiction of the Prophet (s) is the book of Abū 'Īsa, Muhammad ibn 'Īsa al-Sulamī al-Tirmidhi, known as al-Shama'il.” [Al -Bidaya wal Nihayah 8/385] Abdul Razzaq al-Badr said, "This blessed book is from the best and most beneficial books written about the character and depiction of the Prophet (s) and its author made it such an excellent work through his structuring of it and the hadiths he included therein. This is the reason why many scholars praise the book and consider it from the best books authored about this topic."


A Comparative Study of the Religions of Today

By Muhiyaddin, Mohammed Ali
1985., Vantage Press:

Subject: Comparative religion
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A Concise Biography of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and His Special Traits

By Shaykh Haytham Ibn Muhammad Sarhān
2022., Rukiah:

Subject: Islamic history
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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Almighty God says in the holy Quran: "And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly attained a great attainment." Al-Ahzab: 70-71. These few words are essential for the one who has the slightest desire of learning about his Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, his biography and his guidance.


A Concise Presentation of The Creed of Ahlul Sunnah Wal-Jama'Ah

By Abdullah Binn Abdul-Hamid Al-Athari (Author)
2014., Dakwah Corner Publications:

Subject: Aqeedah
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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The Creed of Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jama’ah Author: Abdullah bin Abdul-Hamid Al-Athari Description: This book, ‘Al-Wajeez fi Aqeedati Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jama’ah (A Concise Presentation of the Creed of Ahlul Sunnah wal-Jamaah), has been compiled in a simple and easily understandable manner-the complete and comprehensive guidance of the scholars regarding the matters of creed and methodology. It ignores the faulty and distorted views of the people of innovation, while presenting sound and convincing proofs which are quite sufficient to satisfy sincere seekers of the truth.


A Conclusive Study on the Issue of Hijrah

By Husayn bin 'Awdah Al-'Awaayishah
2016., al-Ibaanah Authentic Book Publishing:

Subject: Islamic Studies
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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Husayn Container '"A Conclusive Study on the Issue of Hijrah and Separating from the Polytheists" is an educational examination that jumps into the fragile subject of Hijrah (movement) and the basics of isolating from Polytheists. This book, which depends on Islamic law and historical context, gives a top-to-bottom assessment of the ideas and circumstances encompassing Hijrah, revealing insight into its importance in the existence of a Muslim. Islamic Hijrah Foundations: The book starts by digging into the central thoughts of Hijrah in Islam. Husayn container 'Awdah Al-'Awaayishah jumps into Quranic sections and Hadiths to make the structure for appreciating the otherworldly and reasonable components of relocation in Islamic custom. Historical backdrop and Significance: The creator gives a verifiable scenery by clarifying the circumstances that incited Hijrah during the Prophet Muhammad's time. The meaning of Hijrah as a basic occasion in the improvement of an Islamic people group is underlined throughout the book. Separation from Polytheists: As a fundamental part of Hijrah, the significance of isolating from polytheists is accentuated. Husayn container 'Awdah Al-'Awaayishah researches the Quranic directives and Prophetic customs underlining the meaning of moving away from people who go against Islamic standards. Conditions and Considerations: The creator purposefully frames the circumstances and contemplations encompassing Hijrah, giving experiences into the components that people should evaluate prior to setting out on this groundbreaking excursion. This segment offers functional counsel to Muslims thinking about movement.


A Connected Curriculum for Higher Education

By Dilly Fung
2017., ucl press:

Subject: Education
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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Is it possible to bring university research and student education into a more connected, more symbiotic relationship? If so, can we develop programmes of study that enable faculty, students and ‘real world’ communities to connect in new ways? In this accessible book, Dilly Fung argues that it is not only possible but also potentially transformational to develop new forms of research-based education. Presenting the Connected Curriculum framework already adopted by UCL, she opens windows onto new initiatives related to, for example, research-based education, internationalisation, the global classroom, interdisciplinarity and public engagement. A Connected Curriculum for Higher Education is, however, not just about developing engaging programmes of study. Drawing on the field of philosophical hermeneutics, Fung argues how the Connected Curriculum framework can help to create spaces for critical dialogue about educational values, both within and across existing research groups, teaching departments and learning communities. Drawing on vignettes of practice from around the world, she argues that developing the synergies between research and education can empower faculty members and students from all backgrounds to contribute to the global common good.


A Contemporary History of Exclusion

By Balazs Majtenyi & Gyoergy Majtenyi
2016., Central European University Press:

Subject: History
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This study presents the changing situation of the Roma in the 2nd half of the 20th century. It examines the effects of the policies of the Hungarian state towards minorities by analyzing legal regulations, policy documents, archival sources and socio


A critical analysis of the Physical Education curriculum in the Czech Republic

By Petr Vlcek
2019., Logos Verlag Berlin:

Subject: Education
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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This monograph reviews the PE curriculum in the Czech Republic. It presents research into the quality of the Czech PE curriculum and makes recommendations regarding its redesign. It targets the scientific community and experts in the field and seeks to enrich international research on the PE curriculum and update the knowledge base of curriculum study. The text should be of general value and of particular relevance to any future change of the PE curriculum in the Czech Republic. The first section of the monograph focuses on curriculum theory; the term `curriculum' is defined and its structure described, some basic terminology regarding curriculum change is explained, some aspects of a quality curriculum are discussed, and the various concepts that can underpin a PE curriculum are identified. The history of PE in the Czech Republic sets the scene for the research section of the monograph, which describes predominantly the author's PE curriculum research over the last decade. In the following chapters the current PE curriculum in the Czech Republic is reviewed based on research findings and recommendations made regarding the revision of the PE curriculum in the Czech Republic. Finally, the dichotomies that characterize research in this area are discussed.


A Democracy Is Born

By Morgan, Matthew J.
2007., Praeger Publishers Inc:

Subject: Political Science
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In October 2004, more than eight million citizens of Afghanistan turned out to vote in the first democratic election in the turbulent, 5,000-year history of the country. This incredible voter turnout in the face of horrific threats and actual bullets, rockets, and bombs was a shout of defiance and a significant setback to the former Taliban regime and their al Qaeda allies. It was a stunning success and serious step forward for the Afghan people and for the United States in the campaign against international terrorism. The change is more dramatic than the American Revolution, in the aftermath of which the new American democracy maintained a representative form of government similar to its British roots. The change is also more positive than the French Revolution, which degenerated into tyranny and anarchy. The Afghan Revolution of democratic governance, albeit aided and guided by international military and political powers, is thus one of the most historic events of our time. Written by a former U.S. Army intelligence officer, this book provides readers with a candid account of Afghanistan's first presidential election and its subsequent transition to democratic self-governance. In particular, Morgan speaks to the security apparatus and the measures protecting the election. The election's security process marked a defeat for the al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorist insurgents attempting to frustrate Afghanistan's transformation into a democratic nation. Morgan's narrative of Afghan development is interspersed with firsthand, personal accounts from the author's eleven-month deployment as an officer serving in the U.S. military in Afghanistan. His stint there, embedded within the United Nations in a civilian-clothes role, enables him to write from the perspective of a UN security officer, offering insights beyond those that might be gained on the battlefield.


A Dictionary of Cultural and Critical Theory

By Michael Payne & Jessica Rae Barbera
2013., Wiley:

Subject: Dictionary
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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Summary Note

Now thoroughly updated and revised, this new edition of the highly acclaimed dictionary provides an authoritative and accessible guide to modern ideas in the broad interdisciplinary fields of cultural and critical theory Updated to feature over 40 new entries including pieces on Alain Badiou, Ecocriticism, Comparative Racialization , Ordinary Language Philosophy and Criticism, and Graphic Narrative Includes reflective, broad-ranging articles from leading theorists including Julia Kristeva, Stanley Cavell, and Simon Critchley Features a fully updated bibliography Wide-ranging content makes this an invaluable dictionary for students of a diverse range of disciplines


A Dictionary of English Manuscript Terminology: 1450 to 2000

By Beal, Peter
2008., Oxford University Press:

Subject: Dictionary
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This is the first Dictionary of English Manuscript Terminology ever to be published. Dealing with the subject of documentation--which affects everyone's lives (from every-day letters, notes, and shopping lists, to far-reaching legal instruments, if not autograph literary masterpieces) Peter Beal defines, in a lively and accessible style, some 1,500 terms relating to manuscripts and their productio and use in Britain from 1450 to the present day. The entries, which range in length from one line to nearly a hundred lines each, cover terms defining types of manuscript, their physical features and materials, writing implements, writing surfaces, scribes and other writing agents, scripts, postal marking, and seals, as well as subjects relating to literature, bibliography, archives, palaeography, the editing and printing of manuscripts, dating, conservation, and such fields as cartography, commerce, heraldry, law, and military and naval matters. The book includes 96 illustrations showing many of the features described.


A Gift to the Barailwis

By Ali Hassan Khan
2013., Independently published:

Subject: Religion, Islamic Studies
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This book shows that the creed of the great classical scholars opposes the creed of Ahmad Raza Khan and other scholars of the Barailwi group on the topics of the knowledge of the Unseen and Barailwi claim that Prophets and saints are present and witness all matters of humans even their intimate lives, Barailwis asking the dead and seeking help from graves, their affirming powers to Prophets and saints above human nature and their claims that saints control the universe, and their belief in Wahdatul Wujood (unity of the existence) while the Salaf affirmed Allah’s essence being above His throne and distinct from the creation.As Barailwi scholars have put hatred in the hearts of their followers towards the Salafis and Ahl e Hadith, only quotes from classical books translated and published by Sufis themselves are present in this book, so Barailwi laymen cannot accuse Salafis and Ahl e Hadith of not translating properly and these quotes are translated by eminent western Sufis.Hence this book contains quotes from Hafiz As-Suyuti, Imam Al-Ghazali, Imam An-Nawawi, Qadhi ‘Iyad, Imam Al-Qurtubi, Shah Waliyullah Muhaddith Dehlwi, Allamah Ash-Shirazi, Allamah Al-Amidi, Allamah Ibn Al-Hajib, Allamah Al-Baydawi, Shaykh AbdulQadir Al-Jilani, Shaykh Shurunbulali, Shaykh Al-Qushayri, Hafiz ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani and other erudite scholars, as translated by Sufis themselves.In each chapter, first the creed of Barailwi scholars is presented and afterwards the creed of these great scholars, so laymen can compare and reflect! May Allah guide them and us to follow the path of our beloved Prophet (saw), the best of the creation, who fulfilled his mission, transmitted his message and left us on a clear path whose night is like its day.


A Glimpse of Islamic Faith

By Ghalib Masri
1995., Al-Batha, Riyadh:

Subject: Islamic Studies
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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This book offers an introduction to the fundamental beliefs and tenets of Islamic faith. It serves as a concise guide for readers seeking to understand the core principles of Islam, including its teachings on monotheism, prophecy, and the afterlife, as well as the importance of worship and submission to Allah.


A Grain of Wheat

By Ngugi wa Thiong'o
1994., Heinemann:

Subject: Historical
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In this ambitious and densely worked novel, we begin to see early signs of Ngugi's increasing bitterness about the ways in which the politicians are the true benefactors of the rewards of independence.


A Guide for the New Muslim

By Jamaal al-Din M. Zaraboza
2013., :

Subject: Islamic Studies
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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"A Guide for the New Muslim" offers a comprehensive and practical approach to understanding Islam for those who have recently embraced the faith. It covers essential Islamic beliefs, practices, and etiquette, with detailed explanations of the five pillars of Islam, prayer, fasting, and more. Written in accessible language, the book serves as both a spiritual guide and a practical manual for new Muslims.


A Guide for the New Muslim

By Jamaal al-Din M. Zarabozo
2022., IslamKotob:

Subject: Islamic Studies
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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"A Guide for the New Muslim" is a comprehensive resource authored by Jamaal al-Din M. Zarabozo, designed to assist individuals who have recently embraced Islam. The book offers insights into the fundamental beliefs and practices of Islam, providing practical guidance for newcomers to the faith.


A History of Corporate Finance

By Baskin, Jonathan Barron
1999., Cambridge University Press:

Subject: Economics
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This study focuses on the role of institutions and organizations in the development of corporate finance from the Italian merchant banks of the Renaissance through the formation of conglomerates and leveraged-buy-out partnerships in contemporary Wall Street. It also puts forth a compelling argument for the closer integration of historical and quantitative research methodologies in financial theory. The epilogue contains an original algorithm that explains the relationship between the short-term, firm-specific factors and longer-term environmental elements that have shaped the historical development of finance.


A History of English Literature: Traversing the Centuries Literature

By Chowdhury, Aditi & Goswami, Rita
2018., Orient Blackswan Private Limited:

Subject: Literature
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Summary Note

A History of English Literature: Traversing the Centuries provides a comprehensive outline of the course of English literature from the Anglo-Saxon period to the present day. In its fourteen chapters, the book covers all major literary periods with inclusive analyses of the political, social and intellectual developments which inevitably contribute to and influence literature in both overt and subtle ways. The survey includes all important literary figures and their significant literary works. The volume is also supplemented with an introductory chapter that discusses the shaping influences on English literature and the royal houses of England. This is followed by a timeline which will enable readers to place each author in the social and political settings and events of the time. In its broad canvass, the book delves into the nuances of everything that goes into the making of English literature. Carefully planned, rich in detail and information, and useful in marking the milestones within various periods as well as drawing the connections between them, A History of English Literature is a reference volume that makes the reading of literary history a stimulating experience for students, scholars and teachers of English literature, and general readers interested in literary history.


A History of Great Ideas in Abnormal Psychology

By Thaddeus E. Weckowicz & Helen P. Liebel-Weckowicz
1990., North-Holland/Elsevier Science Ltd:

Subject: Psychology
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A History of Great Ideas in Abnormal Psychology, edited by Thaddeus E. Weckowicz and Helen P. Liebel-Weckowicz, provides an in-depth exploration of the major theoretical developments in abnormal psychology. This volume examines key ideas that have shaped the understanding of mental illness and psychological disorders, from early theories to modern psychological models. The book highlights the contributions of prominent thinkers in the field, such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and other important figures, and presents a historical perspective on how ideas of abnormal behavior have evolved over time. Topics covered include the classification of mental disorders, the development of psychological therapies, and the social implications of abnormal psychology. This book is an essential resource for students, researchers, and professionals in psychology, providing a thorough historical framework for understanding the field of abnormal psychology.


A History of Modern Psychology

By Duane P. Schultz & Sydney Ellen Schultz
2015., Cengage:

Subject: Psychology, Psikologi
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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Summary Note

Teks komprehensif ini memberikan gambaran mendetail tentang perkembangan psikologi modern, dengan fokus pada dasar ilmiah dan filosofis yang telah membentuk bidang ini. Para penulis menelaah sistem teoretis utama dan kontribusi tokoh-tokoh kunci dalam sejarah psikologi.


A History of Philosophy

By Copleston, Frederick
1997., Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group:

Subject: Philosophy
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Conceived originally as a serious presentation of the development of philosophy for Catholic seminary students, Frederick Copleston's nine-volume "A History Of Philosophy" has journeyed far beyond the modest purpose of its author to universal acclaim as the best history of philosophy in English.


A History of Philosophy

By Frederick Copleston

Subject: Philosophy
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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Conceived originally as a serious presentation of the development of philosophy for Catholic seminary students, Frederick Copleston's nine-volume A History Of Philosophy has journeyed far beyond the modest purpose of its author to universal acclaimas the best history of philosophy in English. Copleston, an Oxford Jesuit of immense erudition who once tangled with A.J. Ayer in a fabled debate about the existence of God and the possibility of metaphysics, knew that seminary students were fed a woefully inadequate diet of theses and proofs, and that their familiarity with most of history's great thinkers was reduced to simplistic caricatures. Copleston set out to redress the wrong by writing a complete history of Western philosophy, one crackling with incident and intellectual excitement - and one that gives full place to each thinker, presenting his thought in a beautifully rounded manner and showing his links to those who came after him. "synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.


A History of the Internet and the Digital Future

By Ryan, Johnny
2013., Reaktion Books:

Subject: Technology
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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Summary Note

A History of the Internet and the Digital Future tells the story of the development of the Internet from the 1950s to the present and examines how the balance of power has shifted between the individual and the state in the areas of censorship, copyright infringement, intellectual freedom, and terrorism and warfare. Johnny Ryan explains how the Internet has revolutionized political campaigns; how the development of the World Wide Web enfranchised a new online population of assertive, niche consumers; and how the dot-com bust taught smarter firms to capitalize on the power of digital artisans. From the government-controlled systems of the Cold War to today’s move towards cloud computing, user-driven content, and the new global commons, this book reveals the trends that are shaping the businesses, politics, and media of the digital future.


A Mercy for all That Exists

By Atteejani Muhammad Siddiq
2008., :

Subject: Aqeedah, Islamic History, Islamic Studies
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is the best role model for all humankind. Among his outstanding virtues and characteristics, he was an extraordinary husband, a perfect father, and a unique grandfather. He was also a great statesman, judge, and spiritual leader. His most distinctive quality, however, was the fact that he was a blessing to all in both word and deed.


A message to a Christian

By Mahmoud Reda Morad
2006., Cooperative Office of Call and Guidance at Sulay:

Subject: Comparative religion
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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This booklet is intended for Christians willing to explore Islamic teachings with an open mind. It provides answers to common questions and aims to clarify Islamic beliefs, promoting interfaith understanding.



By DR. Mahmood Shakir Saeed & Khalid lbraheem Al-Dossary
2009., :

Subject: Islamic History, Islamic Studies
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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A Muslim’s Concept of Time

By Umm Muhammad
2002., Dar Abul - Qasim:

Subject: Islamic studies, time management
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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This concise work explores the Islamic perspective on time, emphasizing its significance in a Muslim's life. The author discusses the importance of time management, the Islamic calendar, and how valuing time aligns with faith and daily practices. The book serves as a guide for Muslims to appreciate and utilize time effectively in accordance with Islamic teachings.


A Philosophy of Israel Education: A Relational Approach

By Barry Chazan
2016., Palgrave Macmillan:

Subject: Education
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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Summary Note

This book develops a new philosophy of Israel education. “Person-centered” Israel education is concerned with developing in individual learners the ability to understand and make rational, emotional, and ethical decisions about Israel, and about the challenges Israel regularly faces, whether they be existential, spiritual, democratic, humanitarian, national, etc. Chazan begins by laying out the terms of the conversation then examines the six-pronged theory of “person-centered” Israel education to outline the aims, content, pedagogy, and educators needed to implement this program. Finally, the author meditates on what a transformation from ethnic to ethical education might look like in this context and others.


A Primer of Signal Detection Theory

By Don McNicol
2004., Psychology Press:

Subject: Psychology
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"A Primer of Signal Detection Theory" by Don McNicol offers a foundational look at Signal Detection Theory (SDT), aiming to introduce the concepts with minimal mathematical complexity, ideal for readers with only basic algebra and statistics knowledge. This primer covers core SDT concepts, non-parametric sensitivity measures, Gaussian distributions, threshold theory, and more. It’s structured to provide both fundamental and slightly advanced understanding, suitable for psychology, vision, hearing, and audiology studies. This text is widely used in psychology and related fields for introductory-level learning.


A Short History Of English Literature

By Pramod K. Nayar
2018., Amity University Press:

Subject: Literature
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This book is a comprehensive survey in chronological fashion of the major periods, authors and movements from chaucer to the present. Written for undergraduate and postgraduate students in south asian universities, this book locates the authors' genres and developments within their social political and historical contexts. Informed by contemporary literary and cultural theory this account also prepares students for further explorations in particular genres and periods in English literature.


A Student's Guide to Psychology

By Daniel Robinson
2002., ISI Books:

Subject: Psychology
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A concise overview of the field of psychology—its historical roots, its most influential thinkers, and its role in the modern world. Psychology is frequently the most popular major on campus, but it can also be the most treacherous. In this guide, Daniel N. Robinson surveys the philosophical and historical roots of modern psychology and sketches the major schools and thinkers of the discipline. He also identifies those false prejudices—such as contempt for metaphysics and the notion that the mind can be reduced to the chemical processes of the brain—that so often perplex and mislead students of psychology. He ends by calling for psychology to investigate more intensively the problems of moral and civic development. Readers will find Robinson’s book to be an indispensable orientation to this culturally influential field.


A Study On Ablution Bathing Dry Ablution Tayammum And Prayer

By Muhammaad Saalih Al-'Uthaymeen
2005., :

Subject: Islamic Studies
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This is a summarized study according to the texts of the Quran and the Sunnah on ablution ritual purification with water , Ghusl bathing , Tayammum dry ablution and some rulings concerning prayer.


A Summarized Explanation of Allaahs Beautiful Names

By Dr AbdurRazzaq Abdul Muhsin al Badr
2020., :

Subject: Islamic studies ,Aqedah
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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This book explains over a hundred of Allaah’s Beautiful Names. Each chapter mentions one or two of Allaah’s Names and where they are found in the Qur’aan and Sunnah. There is a brief explanation using some of the early scholars’ understanding of the Names. Quote from the Introduction:“Understanding Allaah’s Beautiful Names is a noble branch of knowledge, in fact it is the greatest understanding and the foundations upon which this religion is built. Due to this reason there are many well-grounded proofs in the Noble Qur’aan for this foundation. There is hardly an aayah in the Qur’aan which does not mention Allaah’s Beautiful Names or His Lofty Attributes indicating the importance of this noble branch of knowledge and its great status, abundant good and profit. It is a principle from the principles of faith and a cornerstone from the cornerstones of this religion. It is the basis of the religion of Islaam upon which are built the lofty ranks and high status. How can a person’s affair be upright and their states be rectified without knowing their Originator, Creator and Provider; and without knowing His Beautiful Names and Lofty Attributes, His perfect descriptions indicating His Completeness, Honour and Might. He is the One to be worshipped in truth alone and nothing else has the right to be worshipped besides Him in truth. Unfortunately the majority of people today are busy with what was created for them instead of what they were created for. There is no greater need that a servant has than his need to know his Lord, Creator, Supreme Sovereign, the One who manages his affairs and allocates his provisions. The One whom a person cannot do without even for the blinking of an eye. There is no rectification for them nor purification except by knowing Him, worshipping Him and having faith in He who is removed from all imperfections alone. Due to this, a servant has a portion of rectitude and deserves praise in accordance to his knowledge of his Lord and his acting upon what pleases Him and brings him close to Him from speech and good deeds.”


A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence, Vol 1

By Al-Fawzan, Salih
2006., Al-Maiman Publishing House:

Subject: Fiqh
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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This book is an introduction to Islamic jurisprudence for readers without substantial background in this field. In two volumes, Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan has projected light on issues of jurisprudence which are of utmost importance in a genuine and reader-friendly style, free from any complicated jargon or sophisticated expressions. A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence, in this translated version, fulfils a long-standing need on the part of the English speaking Muslims for a brief, introductory book on Islamic jurisprudence. It is a valuable book for novice readers, be they Muslims or non-Muslims, who do not have thorough knowledge of Islamic jurisprudence. The chapters of this book focus on major issues in Islamic jurisprudence. Volume one covers issues such as Purification, Prayer, Zakah, Fasting, hajj and Jihad. Volume two discusses issues such as Transactions, Inheritance, Marriage, Divorce, food, Oaths and other topics. Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan (born in 1935) has obtained a PhD in Islamic Jurisprudence and has a high profile in teaching jurisprudence. He is a member of many academic institutions including the Board of Senior Scholars, The permanent Committee for Fatwa and Research. He has written more that sixty published works discussing the Islamic Aqeedah, Islamic jurisprudence and Muslim conduct.


A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence, Vol 2

By Al-Fawzan, Salih
2010., Al-Maiman Publishing House:

Subject: Fiqh
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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This book is an introduction to Islamic jurisprudence for readers without substantial background in this field. In two volumes, Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan has projected light on issues of jurisprudence which are of utmost importance in a genuine and reader-friendly style, free from any complicated jargon or sophisticated expressions. A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence, in this translated version, fulfils a long-standing need on the part of the English speaking Muslims for a brief, introductory book on Islamic jurisprudence. It is a valuable book for novice readers, be they Muslims or non-Muslims, who do not have thorough knowledge of Islamic jurisprudence. The chapters of this book focus on major issues in Islamic jurisprudence. Volume one covers issues such as Purification, Prayer, Zakah, Fasting, hajj and Jihad. Volume two discusses issues such as Transactions, Inheritance, Marriage, Divorce, food, Oaths and other topics. Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan (born in 1935) has obtained a PhD in Islamic Jurisprudence and has a high profile in teaching jurisprudence. He is a member of many academic institutions including the Board of Senior Scholars, The permanent Committee for Fatwa and Research. He has written more that sixty published works discussing the Islamic Aqeedah, Islamic jurisprudence and Muslim conduct.


A Tale of Two Unions

By Corner & Mark
2013., Transcript Verlag:

Subject: Political Science
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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Brexit is a tale of two unions, not one: the British and the European unions. Their origins are different, but both struggle to maintain unity in diversity and both have to face the challenge of populism and claims of democratic deficit. Mark Corner suggests that the »four nations« that make up the UK can only survive as part of a single nation-state, if the country looks more sympathetically at the very European structures from which it has chosen to detach itself. This study addresses both academic and lay audiences interested in the current situation of the UK, particularly the strains raised by devolution and Brexit.


A Textbook of Hadith Studies

By Kamali, Mohammad Hashim
2009., The Islamic Foundation:

Subject: Hadith
Availability:1 of 1(Digital)
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A Textbook of Hadith Studies provides an academic introduction to the Hadith, or the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, which are second only to the Qur'an (Koran) in their authoritativeness within Islamic tradition. Suitable for university courses and all serious students of Islam, the topics surveyed include Hadith methodology, Hadith literature, the history of Hadith compilation and documentation, and the methods of Hadith criticism (al-jarh wa al-ta'dil) and classification. Mohammad Hashim Kamali, born in Afghanistan in 1944, was a professor of Islamic Law and Jurisprudence at the International Islamic University in Malaysia, and dean of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC) from 1985–2007. He is currently chairman and CEO of the International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies, Malaysia. He is also on the international advisory boards of eleven academic journals published in Malaysia, the United States, Canada, Kuwait, India, Australia, and Pakistan. Professor Kamali has addressed over 120 national and international conferences, and has published sixteen books and over 110 academic articles. His books include The Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence, Freedom of Expression in Islam, and Islamic Commercial Law: An Analysis of Futures and Options.

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